
APR can be installed on any OS supporting Python 3 and PyTorch.

Debian Dependencies

Needed by all:

sudo apt install ffmpeg v4l-utils \
    python3-yaml python3-pydub python3-torch python3-torchaudio

Needed to monitor:

# Font is optional; used by record_cam_timestamp in config.yml
sudo apt install python3-fasteners fonts-freefont-ttf

Needed to tag training data:

sudo apt install python3-tk python3-ttkthemes python3-pil.imagetk python3-moviepy

Python VirtualEnv

An alternative to installing OS packages is to install using pip:

# Install virtualenv and build dependencies
sudo apt install -y python3-virtualenv build-essenial \
    python3-dev libasound2-dev

# Create an initial environment
python3 -m venv ~/.mlpy

# Load virtual environment
source  ~/.mlpy/bin/activate

# Build dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

APR Source Code

The easiest way to obtain APR is using git:

git clone


Successful installation can be verified by viewing help text:

(.mlpy) michael@vsense1:~/apr $ python3 -m apr --help
usage: apr [-h] -a <action> [other_options]